What is social distancing?

Social distancing, also called “physical distancing,” means keeping space between yourself and other people outside of your home. To practice social or physical distancing: Stay at least 6 feet (about 2 arms’ length) from other people Do not gather in groups Stay out of crowded places and avoid mass gatherings In addition to everyday steps to… Read more »

New update from CDC

  The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) edited information posted to its website last week on the transmission of the coronavirus from contaminated surfaces after the health agency deemed it confusing. “After media reports appeared that suggested a change in CDC’s view on transmissibility, it became clear that these edits were confusing,” a… Read more »

CDC recommendations on Hand sanitizer

CDC recommends washing hands with soap and water whenever possible because handwashing reduces the amounts of all types of germs and chemicals on hands. But if soap and water are not available, using a hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol can help you avoid getting sick and spreading germs to others. The guidance for… Read more »

Practices and Work Restrictions

After returning to work, HCP should: Wear a facemask for source control at all times while in the healthcare facility until all symptoms are completely resolved or at baseline. A facemask instead of a cloth face covering should be used by these HCP for source control during this time period while in the facility. After… Read more »

Cleaning and disinfecting your building or facility if someone is sick

Close off areas used by the person who is sick. Companies do not necessarily need to close operations, if they can close off affected areas. Open outside doors and windows to increase air circulation in the area. Wait 24 hours before you clean or disinfect. If 24 hours is not feasible, wait as long as possible. Clean and… Read more »

How to clean and disinfect

Clean Wear disposable gloves to clean and disinfect. Clean surfaces using soap and water, then use disinfectant. Cleaning with soap and water reduces number of germs, dirt and impurities on the surface. Disinfecting kills germs on surfaces. Practice routine cleaning of frequently touched surfaces. More frequent cleaning and disinfection may be required based on level of use. Surfaces and objects in… Read more »

Covid-19 Person-to-person spread

COVID-19 is thought to spread mainly through close contact from person-to-person. Some people without symptoms may be able to spread the virus. We are still learning about how the virus spreads and the severity of illness it causes. Person-to-person spread The virus is thought to spread mainly from person-to-person. Between people who are in close… Read more »

Protect your self and friends from Covid-19

How to help in the fight against COVID-19 Many individuals, groups and businesses from the community have generously offered to help assist in our preparedness efforts to fight COVID-19. Below are a few ways you can help make a difference. Protect Yourself and Others The most important thing you can do to help health care… Read more »